miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Kinds of translation

Hello and good morning to you!
Today I will speak a little bit about some different kinds of translation. You may think: "What? There are more than one?" Yes. Generally, when we speak about translation we are thinking of transforming a written text into another language (target language). This kind of translation can be divided into the following parts:

- the literal translation: this is a word by word translation, for example for criminal proceedings.

- the free translation: in this case the original text will be translated into the target language, maintaining the original sense but adapting it to the appropiate linguistic form. This kind of translation is the most popular as its use is valid for a wide variety of text. For example for Blogs, web sites, novels, etc. To illustrate with an example: you like to say in Spanish that you feel inseparately with someone. Using the expression "to be as thick as thieves" won't make any sense with a literal translation ("ser tan gruesa como ladrones") but saying "ser uña y carne" that fits .

- the simultaneous translation: this form is normally used in situations like interviews, meetings or by phone. The interpreter doesn't have a text to translate but the translation occurs at the same time as the other is speaking.

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You will find more about translation in Wikipedia


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